Duracell Hearing Aid Battery with EasyTab, Size 10, 24 Count
- #1 trusted battery brand by hearing aid users*
- 24-pack of size 10 Duracell Hearing Aid batteries
- Extra long EasyTab feature for simple installation
- Recommended by the Arthritis Foundation for ease-of-use
- Guaranteed 4 years in storage
- Duracell size 10 Hearing Aid batteries come in packs of 8, 12, 16, and 24
Duracell Hearing Aid batteries are available in four sizes and are color-coded, making it easy to find the size that's right for you:
- Size 10 - Yellow
- Size 312 - Brown
- Size 13 - Orange
- Size 675 - Blue
Tips on caring for your hearing aid batteries:
- Keep batteries in their protective pack
- Store batteries at room temperature (Never in the refrigerator)
- Don't remove the color-coded tab until you are ready to use the battery
- Don't carry batteries loose in your pocket or let them come in contact with metal objects
- Don't dispose of batteries in fire
- Don't try to recharge batteries
- When your hearing aid is not in use, open the door to the battery compartment to minimize battery drain and help prevent moisture buildup
Hearing Aid FAQs:
How do I test hearing aid batteries?
The easiest way to test a hearing aid battery is to use a hearing aid battery tester. Testers are inexpensive accessories that you purchase from your hearing specialist, electronics stores or online.
What does "remove tab to activate" mean?
When you receive your hearing aid batteries, they each have a tab attached to them. You must remove the tab to activate the battery.
How often do I need to change the batteries in my hearing aids?
How often you need to change your hearing aid batteries depends on the size of the hearing aid battery (e.g., size 10 is smaller than size 675) and how often you use your hearing aid. But, generally speaking, you can expect to change your batteries every 5 to 10 days.
Does turning off your hearing aid when you're not using it prolong its battery life? What is the average usage time in hours?
Turning off your hearing aid when you're not wearing it will certainly prolong the life of your battery. It is not possible to accurately predict how long a battery will last because there are so many variables. For example, the size of the hearing aid battery and the level of hearing loss one has — mild, moderate, or profound — will affect battery life. Your hearing specialist should be able to give you an indication of the life of the battery using this information.
Aren't all hearing aid batteries the same?
No. Different hearing aid batteries offer different features, such as size of tab and method of dispensing the battery itself. Only Duracell hearing aid batteries are recognized by the Arthritis Foundation for their easy-to-change battery design. However, battery size and dimensions are the same across battery brands. Hearing aid batteries are color-coded by size to help you find the right battery for your device.